We don't offer returns for the time being. How we handle your refund request is determined by your order status.
Order status is "Paid" - We will immediately issue a full refund to you.
Order status is "In Production", "Production completed", or "Qualified" - We will deduct the cost of the products and refund you the rest of the amount.
Order status is "Shipped" - Your refund request will not be accepted.
Order status is "Delivered" - Please get in touch with our customer service within 15 days of delivery. We will do our best to provide a satisfactory solution.
Order status is “Completed” - This status appears after 15 days of delivery. At this point, we’re unable to process your refund request because the reimbursement deadline has passed.
Please note that all the refunds will be sent back to the original payment method used to make the initial purchase.
If you are not happy with the product delivered, please contact our customer service for after-sales support.