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How will Cloprod charge me?

Payment Method:

We use PayPal for payments.

Payment Process:

You can use our built-in design creator for free to design an unlimited number of products and sync them to your online store. When your customers create an order and complete the payment, we will then sync the creation of the Cloprod order. You only need to pay for the Cloprod order, with no upfront costs to worry about. Upon payment for the Cloprod order, we will immediately begin production and assist you in fulfilling the order.

Cost Structure:

Order Cost = Product Price + Shipping + Taxes

The product price consists of two components: the base price of the apparel and the total printing costs. Therefore, the price of the product may vary based on the quantity of prints added. While designing your products in our built-in design creator, you can view a detailed breakdown of the product pricing based on different sizes and your printing designs, helping you to understand your costs.

Shipping costs are determined by three factors: shipping method, destination, and type of apparel. Click here to learn more about our shipping rates.

Taxes are calculated according to the tax policies of the country where the order is delivered.