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*How do I publish products to my Etsy store?

After connecting your Etsy store with Cloprod, you have the following two ways to publish your customized products.

Option 1:

1. Pick your favorite garment in the product catalog and design it;

2. After you finish the design, save the template, click the "Add to store" button in the pop-up window, then select the store you want to publish to;

3. Edit the product’s variants and description, set its retail price, and hit the "Add to store" button to publish the product to the selected online store.

Option 2:

1. Go to Dashboard and click on "Product Template" ;

2. Choose a template you previously created, click the "Add to store" button, then select the store you want to publish to;

3. Edit the product’s variants and description, set its retail price, and hit the "Add to store" button to publish the product to the selected online store.